
Human Resources is a crucial pillar in any organization, playing a strategic role that’s both rewarding and challenging. From recruiting and hiring to retaining top-notch talent, it’s a complex process and the work is far from simple.

The key to hiring and building a successful workforce relies on clear communication between HR and hiring managers. Understanding the job well is key, but often, misunderstandings and vague job descriptions muddy the waters. Job Descriptions are often too broad and don’t capture the real essence of what the Hiring Manager is really looking for. This leads to a domino effect of recruitment inefficiencies, longer hiring times, unmet expectations, tougher onboarding, and higher turnover.

Ultimately, the success of hiring the right person hinges on how well HR navigates this communication maze. 

Turning Intake Calls into HR Insights

Now, picture this: HR and the hiring manager have a chat. In that conversation, the hiring manager shares important insights about what makes someone great for the job. Suddenly, HR isn’t working off a generic description anymore. They now have something better to share with candidates, an engaging narrative that tells a story about the job and what it’s like to work at their company in a simple link that they can share with candidates.

The result: Meet the Hiring Manager!


This conversation isn’t just about better communication and hiring—it’s a catalyst that reshapes how HR navigates the employee journey and shapes the company’s brand. Now, let’s take a look at other benefits that stem from this conversation and setting proper expectations from the start:

Improved Hiring Efforts: Job Insights revolutionize hiring efforts by fostering trust and engagement in the competitive job market, offering candidates an immersive glimpse into the company’s ethos, streamlining the search for cultural alignment, and empowering HR professionals with more engaged candidates who are inclined to accept job offers.

More Efficient Onboarding: When candidates begin day one equipped with clear responsibilities and workplace understanding, HR can have a smoother and more fulfilling onboarding process as they welcome new employees.

Higher Job Satisfaction and Performance: When candidates start with clear and aligned expectations that match reality, job satisfaction increases, leading to improved employee performance.

Lower Turnover: Employee retention begins at the first interaction, and the alignment between candidate expectations and actual job reality significantly impacts turnover rates; providing clear insights into the role and potential managers helps set realistic expectations, curbing early dissatisfaction and turnover.

Better Employer Brand: Innovative tools promoting transparency serve as the bedrock of a successful employer branding strategy, showcasing a commitment to openness that substantially elevates the company’s image and attracts talent aligned with its values and culture.

The Takeaway

New HR tools like Job Previews streamline communication between hiring managers and surpass the limitations of typical job descriptions. By offering a detailed preview of potential roles, these tools facilitate more efficient onboarding processes, setting accurate candidate expectations. Furthermore, they play a vital role in enhancing employer branding efforts, fostering trust and engagement. Ultimately, by ensuring candidates have a clear understanding of their prospective roles, they contribute significantly to reducing turnover rates.


Read more about Transforming Job Descriptions into Stories.